During the Civics class on November 15, 2023, students from 4-1 engaged in a discussion with their teacher Danica Petrović Stanisavljević on the topic of 'Tolerance.' Following this, on November 17, 2023, during the Class Representative session, the conversation continued on the same topic but with the presence of more students. They sought words that precede the term 'Tolerance' and ones that emanate from it. Students actively participated in the discussion, citing examples of tolerant behavior, suggesting words, and then coloring and decorating them in their own way.
Similarly, students from 4-4, with their teacher Bojana Zečević, addressed the same topic during the Class Representative session on November 16, 2023, marking Tolerance Day in this manner.
The result of the discussion on the topic of 'Tolerance' is our joint board displayed in classrooms 4-1 and 4-4.